Lian Ray - Maps (Digital Single)
‘Maps’ is the third single released by French pop noir songwriter Lian Ray.
It’s another chapter in the tumultuous phase that Lian was going through while writing the album in 2012. ‘Maps’ is not about Rose (the short fling that inspired the album title and the rest of the album narrative), but about another, very intimate relationship Lian had. Lian and the woman became incredibly close in a short period, but in the end he couldn’t keep himself in line. He drifted off further into drug abuse and they lost touch, but not before Lian made her a promise in the song: “If you wait for me, I promise I’ll make it up to you”.
In 2016, when Lian checked into rehab and was surprisingly still alive, they met again. She said she had always stayed in love with him. Lian finally straightened himself and started working on the promise to make it up to her. They are still together to this very day.
Released: 27 September 2019
(Digital download is WAV format)