I am Oak - Ols Songd (Digital)
I am Oak is back. The fourth album of the Utrecht folkband surrounding Thijs Kuijken is titled ‘Ols Songd’ and has been released on 31 January 2014 on Snowstar Records.
Since the release of debut album ‘On Claws’ in 2010, I Am Oak has built an impressive track record. The band won a 3VOOR12/Award for ‘Oasem’ for best album of 2011, has released latest album ‘Nowhere or Tammensaari’ (2012) in eight countries, and has toured thirteen countries worldwide so far.
Now there is a new album called ‘Ols Songd’. Fans have been eagerly awaiting this album, for it contains live-favorites as ‘Birches’ and ‘Honeycomb’. These songs had thus far remained unreleased. Kuijken explains:
“These are old songs. While they were being written, they were
already old songs. Though the content of the songs was current when they were written, the feelings enveloped in these songs had come over me before, making them old and new at the same time. Some time ago, another wave of similar feelings rolled in, reminding me of the old songs, obscuring the ability to differentiate between past and present – and inevitably the two intertwine.”
1. I Am Sound
2. Yojihito
3. Furrows
4. Kites In The Canopy
5. Covers Cover
6. Pollen Of The Plains
7. Islands More Islands
8. Firm Hands
9. Honeycomb
10. Cauliflower
11. Birches
(13-051 / 13-052)
Released: 31 Jan 2014
(Digital download is WAV format)